Oh where to begin? 

As you can imagine, the team and we were thrilled to receive an exclusive invite to the recently Vpotus Kamala Harris Market organized and curated by the CLO at the US Embassy last March. A first of it's kind!

Getting ready for the event was both exciting and a little nerve wracking because we'd been to events, but not like this one, a Saucy first. 

Designing and Handcrafting the right pieces, curating the display and giving it that signiture Saucy Mukosa feel was essential to giving our customers the most authentic Zambian  experience and this aided our success!

Within minutes of setting up we had made our first 5 sales! Epic right?

A total of 17 vendors were invited to attend and space was set at the International Hotels pool area. Looking back now, it's funny how things worked out in the end because an hour into the market, and rh heavens open and it rained heavily. Soaked to the bone, and shaking we set up hurriedly in the patio hall of the pool area in further hopes to sale and engage with the staff 

What was most rewarding about this experience was sharing our story and that of the many artisans and creatives we are honored to work withy with the Vpotus's Staff who engaged with us so animatedly and we're especially interested in the traditions and meanings behind our craft and they were kind enough to share their experiences in country so far. 

Despite the rain the market was a success and we couldn't be prouder of how much work our entire team put into making our display possible. 

Ps: We're just getting started!

With Saucy Always,


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